All project partners now have started with the field work for their first case study in work package 4. In Sweden, Poland, France, UK, Italy and Germany, researchers are currently conducting a high number of interviews with actors involved in the local organisation of integrated social and employment policies. Together with various doucuments, these interviews…
2nd LOCALISE Newsletter
The second newsletter of our project is now available. It gives an update on current research activities, changes in project organisation and other events.
1st Progress Meeting
The 1st Progress Meeting was judged as a very fruitful and successful event by all partners. Detailed theoretical and practical results were achieved and a clear working plan for the coming weeks and months until the Second Progress Meeting at the end of August in Milan was agreed upon. The aim of the First Progress…
LOCALISE kicked off
On August 30- 31st, 2011, the European Research Project LOCALISE was kicked off in Oldenburg, Germany. During two days of intensive work and fruitful discussions, 12 researchers from six European countries developed a detailed working plan for the next three years. The meeting started on Tuesday morning with an initial statement by Heiko Prange-Gstöhl from…
CETRO Summer School 2011: successful and enjoyable
During two intensive days with appealing presentations and fruitful debates, ten PhD students and young researchers had the chance to discuss their current work with lead researchers in the field of European employment and activation policies. Topics like „From Alimentation to Activation? Continuity and Change in Labour Market Policies in Europe”, “The impact of activation…
LOCALISE Kick-Off Meeting
The LOCALISE consortium consists of several highly experienced partners from six European countries. Recurrent meetings and conferences, supported by continuous contact of the partners throughout the project, will guarantee concerted progress and comparable data collection, analysis and interpretation. The kick-off-seminar is the common starting point for all project partners. It will assemble all partners, researchers…
LOCALISE Opening Reception
We cordially invite you to celebrate the official start of the LOCALISE project with us. Monday, 29th August 2011 at 7 pm at the “Senatssitzungssaal” of the CvO University of Oldenburg you have the possibility to listen to the opening words of a representative of the European Commission (NN) and Babette Simon, president of the…
3rd CETRO Summer School: The Governance of Employment and Activation Policies
For twenty years EU Member States have been facing severe challenges: Increasing global competition, demographic changes as well as changing family and gender patterns have rendered established employment policies ever less adequate to ensure jobs, prevent unemployment, and to cover new social risks. The European Union therefore has set up multiple programs and strategies but…